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Wednesday 6 May 2015

Kelowna Welcomes World Class Fitness Coach

Workshops and Customized Programs Support Region's Health and Fitness Reputation

Kelowna, BC: Her name may be a challenge but her mission is
straightforward: "Transform your body. Reclaim your life."
Mari-Ann Drevvatne, a pioneer in Fitness Boot Camp in Canada, brings her Holistic Lifestyle and Fitness Coaching Method to Kelowna and the Okanagan region. Taking advantage of the amazing climate as well as the exceptional local interest in health and fitness, it's natural for this lifetime natural athlete to be attracted to this area. Here she offers customized fitness programs in both a personal or group environment. The Holistic Lifestyle and Fitness Coaching Method consists of Holistic Lifestyle and Fitness coaching and consulting, holistic sports nutrition and more.

Upcoming Holistic Lifestyle and Fitness Workshops and Seminars.

Mari-Ann has developed special holistic lifestyle and fitness workshops with an emphasis on learning the importance of naturally tuning into and aligning their body naturally by paying close attention to the messages from the body as well as mental blocks that may be holding them back. These Work Shops can be fully customized to fit your needs and location.

Because of the personal attention given to participants, space is limited. "These workshops provide an individual journey in a group environment and are designed for clients of all fitness levels who are ready to transform their body and reclaim their lives through coaching, fitness training, and holistic sports nutrition," says Mari-Ann. 

Mari-Ann Drevvatne was born and raised in Norway and has traveled extensively throughout the world. She is a Lifetime Natural Athlete, Team Canada Athlete and INBA Olympia World Finalist. Mari-Ann has 30 + years experience in the Fitness Industry.

For more information on these and other Holistic Lifestyle and Fitness workshops and Seminars as
well as personal coaching and consulting, please contact Mari-Ann
at Coach@LifeStyleFitnessCoach.org or call/SMS 604-787-7738. Visit
Mari-Ann's website at LifeStyleFitnessCoach.org

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