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Thursday 21 January 2016


How do you naturally tune into your body and the many messages it gives you? How do you learn to listen to your body as if it's your teacher, and treat every message as an important one revealing something about your health and well being? Moving into pain, discovering and feeling the different types of pain. If the pain get's worse in a certain position, know when to move out of it. The body will always let you know what you can and can't do. IF you listen....

If the pain you feel, is initially worse during a stretch or exercise and improves while you are in a particular position, then continue holding it and breathe through the pain until you get a nice release. This usually takes between 1-3 minutes to achieve.

I am also a HUGE fan of myofascial release, working with tennis balls or acupressure balls as well as rollers and foam boards. All emotional trauma is usually stuck in the connective tissue and needs to be released, not just through using exercises. It's also important to connect with the emotional feeling of pain. Are you feeling "annoyed, sad, scared, stuck etc.". Time to connect with the body and let it tell you what it is....

IF being in a certain position or going into it makes you feel nervous, STOP. This is your Body's natural defense mechanism. IF you ignore this message, your body's current aches, pains and injuries may be aggravated. Pay CLOSE attention to any emotions that you feel in connection with any body ache or pain.

Your Body's aches and pains is usually a manifestation of something bigger going on "behind the scenes" and will usually dissipate when you clear the original "issue" or cause. It is a known fact that back pain is a result of "lack of support" in people's lives and at once you start getting the support you need, your back will start improving.

Your Body is an amazing instrument and if it's out of tune, it will let you know so you can start paying attention to the issue at hand. Feel free to message me with any health and fitness questions! coach@lifestylefitnesscoach.org

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